You have your face pressed to the ground at my feet, looking up my long legs, watching me dangle my shoes and swing my feet around. You can't get enough, especially when I uncross my legs and cross them again. You keep watching hoping to see my heels fall off my feet when I am dangling them, hoping to see the bottoms of my feet, and see me rub my toes. You can't stop yourself from groveling at my feet like this, even thought I do not speak a word to you.
You have your face pressed to the ground at my feet, looking up my long legs, watching me dangle my shoes and swing my feet around. You can't get enough, especially when I uncross my legs and cross them again. You keep watching hoping to see my heels fall off my feet when I am dangling them, hoping to see the bottoms of my feet, and see me rub my toes. You can't stop yourself from groveling at my feet like this, even thought I do not speak a word to you.