Kayla has been stuck working for the same mean boss seemingly forever, and once again he is showing his cruelty. Kayla is still dealing with her bad right ankle which she unfortunately sprained once again just a week ago. Her doctor told her she should be on crutches for a couple weeks to help the healing process, but her boss called and told her she has to be in the office today and to leave the crutches at home. He also added that she is supposed to meet some clients and to wear high heels.
Kayla is struggling to get around in her office. Limping badly, she wishes sh...
Kayla has been stuck working for the same mean boss seemingly forever, and once again he is showing his cruelty. Kayla is still dealing with her bad right ankle which she unfortunately sprained once again just a week ago. Her doctor told her she should be on crutches for a couple weeks to help the healing process, but her boss called and told her she has to be in the office today and to leave the crutches at home. He also added that she is supposed to meet some clients and to wear high heels.
Kayla is struggling to get around in her office. Limping badly, she wishes she could be at home resting her right ankle. After a few more minutes of moving around and making sure everything is where she needs it to be she sits down to rest her ankle. Carefully she slips her high heel off and very gently massages it. A few minutes later Kayla looks up to see her boss standing in her doorway. He wants to know why she isn't working and lectures her about being ready for her meeting. When he notices she isn't wearing her right shoe he wants to know why. Kayla replies slightly upset “You know why, my ankle is really hurting but you keep making me come into the office” . Kayla's boss tells her if she is hurting that much, he better take a look and see if he can help her. Reaching down he grabs her ailing right ankle and begins to feel around. Kayla winces and asks him to be careful because her ankle really hurts. As he continues to poke and prod and flex and move her ankle Kayla asks him to please stop, then all of a sudden, he grabs her right foot tighter and twists it hard. Feeling her already damaged ligaments begin to tear Kayla begs her boss to stop, but that only seems to make him twist her ankle harder. Ending his examination with one last big twist Kayla's boss then shoves her high heel back onto her right foot and tells her to stand up and walk around. Clutching her severely sprained right ankle Kayla tells her boss there is no way she can walk, but after he insists, she slowly and carefully stands up balancing on her good left foot. Slowly lowering her right foot Kayla goes to take a step, but her right ankle immediately twists causing her to fall to the ground in a great deal of pain. Still clutching her right ankle wishing the pain would fade away Kayla notices that her boss has left her on the floor with no one to help her.
Painfully slipping off her right shoe then her left, Kayla scoots back to her chair and pulls herself up. She crosses her right leg over her left and very gently rubs her right ankle. The massage does nothing to help ease the throbbing, so she makes the decision to make her way to her doctor since the pain is so intense. Enough is enough as Kayla can't take the pain anymore. Slowly making her way out of her office she has to hop as she is unable to put any weight on her injured right ankle. Looks like another extended period on crutches.