Standing full weight on his groin pushed his testicles to the very edge of bursting outta his sack...well it's time to finish them off! This is a non-stop testicular! I've had enough of this Slave and it's time to neuter him for good. I have no mercy as I slam my knee into his balls over and over. He moans and cries but I (Mistress Kelly) will have no remorse! I pull him back to his feet and do my best to grab, twist and pull his nuts right off his body. “You should be thanking me” I shout as I kick his balls into mush.
For any first time buyers who want a real taste of why Princess Kelly has ...
Standing full weight on his groin pushed his testicles to the very edge of bursting outta his sack...well it's time to finish them off! This is a non-stop testicular! I've had enough of this Slave and it's time to neuter him for good. I have no mercy as I slam my knee into his balls over and over. He moans and cries but I (Mistress Kelly) will have no remorse! I pull him back to his feet and do my best to grab, twist and pull his nuts right off his body. “You should be thanking me” I shout as I kick his balls into mush.
For any first time buyers who want a real taste of why Princess Kelly has ...