I decided to start my very own massage parlor and to tape it. This is my first client and I think this is the first time he has ever been to a place like this because he is so shy! So shy I LOVE it!! He told me he only wants a hand job I try my hardest to persuade him but for some reason he keeps declining me from buying the full package. Eventually I tell him it is ok maybe when we get to know each other better. Telling him that seemed to loosen him up at bit he climbs on top and fucks my tits and shoots a big load of cum right down the center of my face I felt like I was going to in all that...
I decided to start my very own massage parlor and to tape it. This is my first client and I think this is the first time he has ever been to a place like this because he is so shy! So shy I LOVE it!! He told me he only wants a hand job I try my hardest to persuade him but for some reason he keeps declining me from buying the full package. Eventually I tell him it is ok maybe when we get to know each other better. Telling him that seemed to loosen him up at bit he climbs on top and fucks my tits and shoots a big load of cum right down the center of my face I felt like I was going to in all that...