Rainbow Doll Gag
My Rating:
Category: Gag Talk
Runtime: 9 minutes
Date Added: 4/28/2015


Mistress Talia makes me stuff my panties in my mouth. She then covers me in a nylon stocking and cleave gags me with purple electrical tape. She then begins to tape me up. She starts with green tape right around my mouth, then blue, then purple over my nose, then red over my eyes and yellow to finish it off. Having my senses taken away from my one by one was terrifying. Talia keeps objectifying and humiliating me. She tells me that I'm her rainbow doll and she'll do with me as she pleases. She makes me scream and moan for her as she gropes my breasts. She my unravels my gag layer by layer, tak...
Rainbow Doll Gag

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