Clowns are generally happy-go-lucky creatures. Most Clowns get off on laughs, but I get off on cash and making you ride the mental merry-go-round I control. Most of you are good little strudels who follow the rules and keep My circus funds bloated. The rest of you... well... this video is for you. Are you stupid? Broke? Needy? Are you the type of man who emails Me thinking I'm here for a DATE or a FRIEND? Buy this clip. You need some pointers. Those of you who fail to follow even these basic guidelines are in for a complete re-education.
Clowns are generally happy-go-lucky creatures. Most Clowns get off on laughs, but I get off on cash and making you ride the mental merry-go-round I control. Most of you are good little strudels who follow the rules and keep My circus funds bloated. The rest of you... well... this video is for you. Are you stupid? Broke? Needy? Are you the type of man who emails Me thinking I'm here for a DATE or a FRIEND? Buy this clip. You need some pointers. Those of you who fail to follow even these basic guidelines are in for a complete re-education.