Bippy has joined the Circus's Winter Tour recently, and has had ENOUGH of my big ego. Its true, I prance around this circus like I own it. Bippy the clown is a magnificent 7 feet tall, way overtowering my 5'8." She corners me in the dressing room backstage, and immediately begins tearing down my ego. She brags about how TALL and STRONG she is, calling me "weak" and "twiggy." She says she's going to use her size and stage presence to take over the circus, pushing me out of the limelight. I try telling her off, but I'm not sure she hears me... her ears are way up in the sky!
Bippy has joined the Circus's Winter Tour recently, and has had ENOUGH of my big ego. Its true, I prance around this circus like I own it. Bippy the clown is a magnificent 7 feet tall, way overtowering my 5'8." She corners me in the dressing room backstage, and immediately begins tearing down my ego. She brags about how TALL and STRONG she is, calling me "weak" and "twiggy." She says she's going to use her size and stage presence to take over the circus, pushing me out of the limelight. I try telling her off, but I'm not sure she hears me... her ears are way up in the sky!