Wonder Kobe arrives home after a long day of fighting the Black Queen. She is proud to announce that She has defeated her once and for all... or has she? She can't help but to put on the Queens black above the knee boots. Things begin to happen.. Right before her eyes, she begins to transform. It starts off without notice, first the virtuous tiara disappears. More disturbing is the dark makeup that shades the once bright and cheerful girl. Something has come over her and she has no control over her hands. The fingers sensually and greedily caresses her body. She knows she should resist and hav...
Wonder Kobe arrives home after a long day of fighting the Black Queen. She is proud to announce that She has defeated her once and for all... or has she? She can't help but to put on the Queens black above the knee boots. Things begin to happen.. Right before her eyes, she begins to transform. It starts off without notice, first the virtuous tiara disappears. More disturbing is the dark makeup that shades the once bright and cheerful girl. Something has come over her and she has no control over her hands. The fingers sensually and greedily caresses her body. She knows she should resist and hav...