Master are you calling for me? Do you want me to cum for you? I see you have placed some milk down for me to lick up, hmm your a wonderful master. I have put on the outfit you requested and I've been cleaning myself all day. I know how you like to inspect every part of my body, I hope your happy with how I look. Oh master I love it when you play with my tail, I love it even more when you lift it high to look at my tight ass and pussy. I see you haven't forgotten my breasts, touch them for me master, touch my breasts. Your touch alone sends me crazy, crazy to touch my pussy, my wet tight pussy....
Master are you calling for me? Do you want me to cum for you? I see you have placed some milk down for me to lick up, hmm your a wonderful master. I have put on the outfit you requested and I've been cleaning myself all day. I know how you like to inspect every part of my body, I hope your happy with how I look. Oh master I love it when you play with my tail, I love it even more when you lift it high to look at my tight ass and pussy. I see you haven't forgotten my breasts, touch them for me master, touch my breasts. Your touch alone sends me crazy, crazy to touch my pussy, my wet tight pussy....