Ex-Wife Catches You Wanking and Humiliates You & Your Tiny Pathetic Cock
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Runtime: 5 minutes
Date Added: 9/21/2024


Your ex-wife is less than impressed when she catches you wanking your tiny, pathetic micro cock in your old living room. Now you should sit back and take your punishment. She is going to tell you exactly what she thinks of your teeny bitch cock... she is going to be brutally honest about the size of your manhood... its probably the reason your marriage failed. You deserve to be told how it is less than impressive... it is gross, it is disgusting... it is utterly useless - it is tiny little pathetic dick...

Size the divorce papers, then take your tiny fucking maggotty-worm penis and...

Ex-Wife Catches You Wanking and Humiliates You & Your Tiny Pathetic Cock

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