* 6 beautiful ladies, their muddy boots and 2 slaves for cleaning *
I rented a villa in the mountains for the weekend with my friends, which has a beautiful garden where we could relax in the open air. As soon as we arrive on site, we immediately take a walk outside and admire the well-kept lawn and flowerbeds, we are very pleased until... we all end up in a corner of the garden where the lawn is completely flooded and the grass gives way to sticky mud. Our boots sink and get completely dirty as our anger rises and deserves to be vented on those who are ...
* 6 beautiful ladies, their muddy boots and 2 slaves for cleaning *
I rented a villa in the mountains for the weekend with my friends, which has a beautiful garden where we could relax in the open air. As soon as we arrive on site, we immediately take a walk outside and admire the well-kept lawn and flowerbeds, we are very pleased until... we all end up in a corner of the garden where the lawn is completely flooded and the grass gives way to sticky mud. Our boots sink and get completely dirty as our anger rises and deserves to be vented on those who are responsible for this mess. And there, not far away, in fact, we see the two gardeners intent on sweeping under the front porch: we join them insulting them and in a moment they find himself lying on the ground with our dirty boots on. We sit comfortably on a bench and start cleaning ourselves on them, on their shirts but above all their faces, mouths and tongues. It is a disgusting sight, their face is completely brown, their black tongues occasionally cleaned only by the saliva we spit in their mouths to facilitate their task... There are six of us and we have boots, ankle boots and amphibians of all kinds, but only when they're all more or less clean again do we chase the gardeners away, sending them to clean up the mess they've done.
* 6 stupende Padrone, i loro stivali infangati e 2 schiavi per le pulizie *
Io e alcune amiche abbiamo affittato una villa in montagna per il weekend con un bel giardino dove rilassarci all’aria aperta. Appena arrivate sul posto facciamo subito un giro all’esterno e ammiriamo soddisfatte il prato e le aiuole molto curate fino a che... camminando finiamo tutte in un angolo del giardino dove il prato è completamente allagato e l’erba lascia il posto a dell’appiccicoso fango. I nostri stivali affondano e si sporcano completamente mentre sale la nostra rabbia che merita di essere sfogata sui responsabili. E lì poco distanti infatti scorgiamo i due giardinieri intenti a spazzare sotto il porticato: li raggiungiamo insultandoli e in un attimo si ritrovano stesi a terra con i nostri stivali sporchi addosso. Ci sediamo comodamente su una panchina e iniziamo a pulirci su di loro, sulle loro magliette ma soprattutto le loro facce, bocche e lingue. E’ uno spettacolo disgustoso, il loro volto è completamente marrone, le lingue nere ogni tanto ripulite solo dalla saliva che gli sputiamo in bocca per facilitare il loro compito.... Siamo in sei e abbiamo stivali, stivaletti e anfibi di ogni tipo ma solo quando sono tutti di nuovo più o meno puliti cacciamo via i giardinieri mandandoli a pulire con la paletta lo schifo che hanno combinato.