ITALIAN LANGUAGE My friend Nina and I are ready, I am wearing my red shoes and she her black ones. The slave is tied by the wrists to the base of the ragamuffin and in order not to hear his moaning we put a small phallus in his mouth. Our idea is to inflict a double punishment on him: while we stomp on his head we whip his back. I climb up with my red pumps on his head and start whipping him and then it is Nina's turn with her black pumps. We both use short whips. Stroke after stroke we start to see the marks and begin to hear his moans despite the phallus in his mouth. We take off ou...
ITALIAN LANGUAGE My friend Nina and I are ready, I am wearing my red shoes and she her black ones. The slave is tied by the wrists to the base of the ragamuffin and in order not to hear his moaning we put a small phallus in his mouth. Our idea is to inflict a double punishment on him: while we stomp on his head we whip his back. I climb up with my red pumps on his head and start whipping him and then it is Nina's turn with her black pumps. We both use short whips. Stroke after stroke we start to see the marks and begin to hear his moans despite the phallus in his mouth. We take off our shoes and continue stomping on his head and flogging his back. Nina lights and smokes a cigarette and when she finishes it she puts it out under the head of the slave who begins to scream from the pain caused by the whips and the stubs extinguished on his body. We intensify the whipping and the head stomping until he begs for mercy, screaming with all his energy. I put my shoes back on and climb onto his shoulder blades and leave the marks of my stiletto heels on them. Before we leave him we enjoy the sight of his scarred back; the whips, the heels of my shoes and the black mark where Nina put out her cigarette on his skin are visible.
TI FRUSTIAMO IN PIEDI SULLA TUA TESTA Io e la mia amica Nina siamo pronte, io indosso le mie scarpe rosse e lei quelle nere. Lo schiavo è legato tramite i polsi alla base della raganatela e per non sentire i suoi lamenti gli abbiamo infilato in bocca un piccolo fallo. La nostra idea è di infliggergli una doppia punizione: mentre lo calpesteremo sulla testa gli frusteremo la schiena. Salgo con le mie décolleté rosse sulla sua testa ed inizio a frustarlo e successivamente è il turno di Nina con le sue décolleté nere. Entrambe utilizziamo delle fruste corte. Colpo dopo colpo iniziano a vedersi i segni ed iniziano a sentirsi i suoi lamenti nonostante il fallo in bocca. Ci togliamo le scarpe e continuiamo a calpestargli la testa ed a fustigargli la schiena. Nina si accende e fuma una sigaretta e quando la finisce la spegne sotto la testa dello schiavo che inizia ad urlare per il dolore provocato dalle fruste e dalle mozzicone spento dul suo corpo. Intensifichiamo le frustate ed il calpestamento della testa finche non ci chiede pietà urlando con tutta le sue energie. Mi rimetto le scarpe e salgo sulle sue scapole e gli lascio i segni dei miei tacchi a spillo sopra quelli già esistenti. Prima di lasciarlo godiamo alla vista della sua schiena segnata; sono visibili le frustate, i tacchi delle mie scarpe e il segno nero dove Nina ha spento la sigaretta sulla sua pelle.