In zhis session I test my slave D. in doing pet-play. I tell him, that he has to be my good . Then the education brgins. I put him on the lead and learn him how to walk with me and how to respond on my commands. He learns to play with -toys and to eat -food. At the end of this first day of education he has to rest in a -basket. My slave has to act, to feel and to think like an obedient .
In zhis session I test my slave D. in doing pet-play. I tell him, that he has to be my good . Then the education brgins. I put him on the lead and learn him how to walk with me and how to respond on my commands. He learns to play with -toys and to eat -food. At the end of this first day of education he has to rest in a -basket. My slave has to act, to feel and to think like an obedient .