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Night out with the slave on a leash - Una serata con lo slave al guinzaglio
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It often happens to me that the slaves invite me out of here, here in this video you can see a typical evening of the ones I like. I leave the asshole outside the room attached to the chain like a good puppydoggy, I untie him when it's time to go home but first of course I clean the soles on him but above all he has to clean my boots before getting in the car, his car obviously.

Mi capita spesso che gli slave mi invitino furoi, ecco in questo video potete vedere una serata tipo di quelle che piacciono a me. Lascio il coglione fuori dla locale attaccato alla catena come un bravocagn...

Night out with the slave on a leash - Una serata con lo slave al guinzaglio

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