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Outdoor muddy shoes and foot cleaning - Pulisci le mie scarpe infangate schiavo!
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L'allenamento di ballbusting è stato interrotto dallo schiavo che supplicava pietà quindi eccoci alla fase due del nostro pomeriggio al parco in cui lui deve ripulire le mie scarpe infangate e i miei piedi sudati, anzi sudatissimi dopo tanti calci. Vedete la sua linguatta come si muove bene?

The ballbusting training was interrupted by the slave begging for mercy so here we are in phase two of our afternoon at the park where he has to clean up my muddy shoes and my sweaty feet, indeed very sweaty after so many kicks. Do you see how well his tongue moves?

Outdoor muddy shoes and foot cleaning - Pulisci le mie scarpe infangate schiavo!

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