LF140 - Eviction Notice - featuring Pixie vs Absynthe - Custom Video
Cleaned and upscaed to 1280x960MP4 MP4
38 minutes of vicious one sided belly beat down, KO punches, stomping, wall slamming and general mayhem on a helpless bound and gagged victim.
Pixie and Absynthe, at the best of times, are bitter rivals. However, Pixie owns the apartment building Absynthe resides in, and Pixie hates having her rival as a tenant but in these hard times, she's got to take anyone who is able to pay the rent.. even if that person is an ignorant bitch like Absynthe.. When Pixie comes ...
LF140 - Eviction Notice - featuring Pixie vs Absynthe - Custom Video
Cleaned and upscaed to 1280x960MP4 MP4
38 minutes of vicious one sided belly beat down, KO punches, stomping, wall slamming and general mayhem on a helpless bound and gagged victim.
Pixie and Absynthe, at the best of times, are bitter rivals. However, Pixie owns the apartment building Absynthe resides in, and Pixie hates having her rival as a tenant but in these hard times, she's got to take anyone who is able to pay the rent.. even if that person is an ignorant bitch like Absynthe.. When Pixie comes to pick up this week's rent, Absynthe treats her like a bitch after paying her.. But unknown to Absynthe, Pixie overhears her telling her friend on the phone that Absynthe had been paying with phony bills all this time. Furious and enraged, Pixie challenges Absynthe to a beat all win all fight but she's quickly sucker punched and dropped to the floor.. Thinking she's won it all, Absynthe is caught by Pixie's sucker punch and now the enraged and frustrated red head takes out all her anger on poor little Absynthe.. Brutal belly punches, KO punches to the face and malicious evil attacks await petite Absynthe.. Even the dreaded Blue Ball of Pain comes out for this video.. Absynthe bit off more than she can chew with Pixie.. and pays dearly!
Absynthe, dazed and confused takes one vicious belly punch and cheap shot after another by her fiercely enraged antagonist.. Drilling her fists as deep as she can, Pixie is out to punish Absynthe, trying to destroy the belly. Pixie rams her knees into Absynthe crotch, belly and head... She face plants Absynthe into the wall, stunning the poor girl, leaving her cruelly defenseless to Pixie's attacks..
Sick and tired of her whining and cries of pain, Pixie cleave gags her victim and ties her wrists behind her back, leaving Absynthe incapable of defending herself from any of Pixie's attacks to the belly and crotch..
Battered and beaten, Absynthe is helplessly trapped in a nice and long RNC hold, set on her to make her suffer as long as possible. While out and dazed, Absynthe's shoes are removed and Pixie used them with great effect to batter her bound victim behind the head with such power.. Down goes Absynthe.. while still dazed and confused, Pixie sets her up for a KO punch that drops Absynthe like a bag of rocks.. Is it over for the ? No way.. the worse is yet to come!
While still dazed from the KO punch, Absynthe slowly awakens to find herself draped over and bound to the dreaded Blue Ball of Pain (no puns intended, it was the only colour we could get at the time ;)
With her belly cruelly exposed, Absynthe takes punch after punch to the belly, clawings and belly button maulings.. Kicks and elbows rain down on the poor girl's exposed belly.. Pixie tosses in a few well placed low blows to make her point.. Slowly but surely, poor Absynthe is beaten down to within an inch of her life, brutally and vicious punished for her horrible attitude..
But Pixie isn't simply satisfied with brutalizing her victim.. oh no.. a little humiliation will go a long way.. As a parting note, Pixie decides to hand Absynthe an eviction notice that won't easily be forgotten... or washed off.. You'll have to see the ending for this one!
One sided beat down fans who love cruel belly punching and general beatdown fun will surely enjoy this video.. Absynthe has taken a lot of beatings in the past (most of them justifiably earned) but this beat down certainly rates and one of the more horrific she's taken in a long time..