LF245B - SELENE NOT SO TOUGH - Selene vs Pixie Clip 2
My Rating:
Category: Beatdowns
Runtime: 11 minutes
Date Added: 9/24/2022


Match 2 from LF245 "Selene Not So Tough" - featuring Selene vs Pixie

Selene may have been able to dominate Rath in her first fight, but it's a whole different story with veteran spitfire Pixie as her opponent. Pixie takes control of Selene right away, and try as Selene might, she just can't stop Pixie from having her way with her. It's a rough wrestling catfight that sees Selene dominated and humiliated in a damned-near squash match as Pixie punishes her with camel clutches, fish hooks, breast squeezing, figure four leglocks, humiliating pins, scissors and more. I guess Pixie prove...

LF245B - SELENE NOT SO TOUGH - Selene vs Pixie Clip 2

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