LF255B- Bitter Rivals Rage - Match 2 Pixie vs Ema
My Rating:
Category: Beatdowns
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 6/7/2022


The second 10 minute match between redhead Pixie and masked Ema from Bitter Rivals Rage LF255.
This time a one sided beatdown as Ema gets some payback on Pixie!

Ema does not like being called bitch and goes after Pixie with a vengeance. A vicious punch to the abs takes down the little red head Pixie and slaps her into a spine breaking camel clutch, yanking on her hair for better leverage. Trapping Pixie between her powerful thighs, Ema wreaks havoc on Pixie's body, crunching down on her ribs. But that's nothing compared to the full on punch to the crotch that nearly cripples p...

LF255B- Bitter Rivals Rage - Match 2 Pixie vs Ema

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