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Lately Evil Hanz has been up to no good as he harasses the Amazonians from Themyscira every time one of the ladies venture off the island. Evil Hanz is jealous of how powerful and strong the Wonder Women are in comparison to him as he is scrawny, weak and pathetic . Word gets back to Wonder Lana and Wonder Gia that Evil Hanz has been picking on their Wonder sisters and they follow him to his local gym. As Evil Hanz stretches during his warm up, Wonder Lana sets up a hidden camcorder and leaves it running as she motions Wonder Gia to start walking towards Evil Hanz. Unbeknownst to Evil Hanz,...
Lately Evil Hanz has been up to no good as he harasses the Amazonians from Themyscira every time one of the ladies venture off the island. Evil Hanz is jealous of how powerful and strong the Wonder Women are in comparison to him as he is scrawny, weak and pathetic . Word gets back to Wonder Lana and Wonder Gia that Evil Hanz has been picking on their Wonder sisters and they follow him to his local gym. As Evil Hanz stretches during his warm up, Wonder Lana sets up a hidden camcorder and leaves it running as she motions Wonder Gia to start walking towards Evil Hanz. Unbeknownst to Evil Hanz,...
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