Oh honey! What are you doing home? I'm so glad you're here. Your step-dad went to work and I'm sick. He told me to just rest it off, but I can't stop thinking about... well... I just can't stop thinking. Remember how I take care of you when I'm sick? Well I'm totally pulling that card today, honey, will you take care of Step-Mommy? What can you do? Hmm well whenever I'm sick... your step-dad, he... well... nevermind! Omg I can't. What, honey? Aw you're so sweet, you'd do anything for your step-mother wouldn't you? Well, there's something that REALLY cures me when I'm sick. *Pulls panties to th...
Oh honey! What are you doing home? I'm so glad you're here. Your step-dad went to work and I'm sick. He told me to just rest it off, but I can't stop thinking about... well... I just can't stop thinking. Remember how I take care of you when I'm sick? Well I'm totally pulling that card today, honey, will you take care of Step-Mommy? What can you do? Hmm well whenever I'm sick... your step-dad, he... well... nevermind! Omg I can't. What, honey? Aw you're so sweet, you'd do anything for your step-mother wouldn't you? Well, there's something that REALLY cures me when I'm sick. *Pulls panties to th...