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Custom: Jasmine has been working really hard to get to were she is now but she won't stop until she is CEO of the company. Mr. Lee is a Chinese arrogant step-son of a bitch who pervs on all his secretaries but since he's the boss nothing ever sticks. Just today Jasmine over heard one of his other secretaries complaining of . Mr. Lee invites him self over to Jasmines house on the false pretense of signing over a few important documents Jasmine Really needs for lender to see she means business but Mr. Lee clearly has other ASSets in mind. Once Jasmine realizes whats going on she exudes her se...
Custom: Jasmine has been working really hard to get to were she is now but she won't stop until she is CEO of the company. Mr. Lee is a Chinese arrogant step-son of a bitch who pervs on all his secretaries but since he's the boss nothing ever sticks. Just today Jasmine over heard one of his other secretaries complaining of . Mr. Lee invites him self over to Jasmines house on the false pretense of signing over a few important documents Jasmine Really needs for lender to see she means business but Mr. Lee clearly has other ASSets in mind. Once Jasmine realizes whats going on she exudes her se...
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