Custom: Hi Goddess Jasmine, Please can you wear the same type outfit and similar heels as you did in the 'Broker takes you for everything' clip? Scene 1 - Please can you have your hair tied up and wear glasses like a sexy Scene starts with you walking into the room and sitting down in front of me. You tell me it's no use struggling - i'm not getting away. You are very confident and assertive. Please quickly describe how you have me tightly wrapped in PVC wrap from head to toe - but you've exposed my little cock and balls and my ass! I'm in the perfect position for you to work with. Please c...
Custom: Hi Goddess Jasmine, Please can you wear the same type outfit and similar heels as you did in the 'Broker takes you for everything' clip? Scene 1 - Please can you have your hair tied up and wear glasses like a sexy Scene starts with you walking into the room and sitting down in front of me. You tell me it's no use struggling - i'm not getting away. You are very confident and assertive. Please quickly describe how you have me tightly wrapped in PVC wrap from head to toe - but you've exposed my little cock and balls and my ass! I'm in the perfect position for you to work with. Please can you use baby talk, e.g."We're going to have so much fun together!" Then get strict and tell me that it's time to get down to business - naughty, disrespectful boys, like me, need to be taught a lesson in how to respect women and you are an expert in 're-programming' naughty boys. Please detail your plan to me - you are going to tease me and edge me to near insanity while programming my mind to be submissive towards all women. By the time you've finished with me I will be a horny mess, leaking pre-cum onto the floor and willing to do anything any woman wants. You are taking control of my orgasms to control me. Please be suddenly surprised as if I just said 'No' to you! Give me a sexy smile and tell that i'm in no position to argue! Then laugh at me and tell me that for saying 'No' to you, you are going to put my across your lap and spank me! Please laugh and go back to mock baby talk telling me there is nothing I can do, you could spank me all day if you wanted to. Would it be possible to simulate taking me over your lap by taking the camera and pointing it at your feet/heels? Please can you continue to talk to me while giving me a slow spanking, telling me that you are going to teach me a lesson in respecting women that I will never forget. When the spanking finishes please take me off your lap and return to the normal 'sitting in front of me position'. Then tell me that if I don't do as you say I will find myself not only over your lap again but also tied to your spanking bench. Please re-iterate what you are going to do to me - tease & edge me while programming my mind to respect all women - please labour the point that you are going to turn me into a desperate, horny little puppy eager for 'release' and eager to please any woman. Please tell me you are going to leave me wrapped up and exposed like this while you go and organise things for this afternoon, you are really looking forward to it and have a nice surprise for me. As you leave the room please give me a sexy smile and tell me not to go anywhere! Leave the room laughing at me. End of scene Scene 2 - please can you have your hair down and take the glasses off - like you are relaxing a bit after work Please walk back into the room again and smile and act all excited and tell me that all your preparations went very well and everything is organised. Ask me if i'm going to be a good boy and do everything you tell me to? Then smile and tell me that i'll be over your knee again if I don't! Please tell me that you have called in some help this afternoon to help train me and turn me into a horny little puppy. Tell me to relax and stop wriggling. Tell me this is the nice surprise, it's not some stranger - it's my ex-girlfriends! Please laugh and giggle at this revelation and then go back to baby talk and mock me. "Yes, that's right, Nina, Yessica and Rebecca are all coming over to see you!" Tell me that they are all excited to be coming over and they can't wait to get started - Yessica is out buying herself a spanking paddle right now! Tell me that after the training you are going to 'give' me to them as a puppy present - and you have a collar and leash for me which you are going to make me present to them! Once again in baby talk please tell me not to look so scared - then make a deal with me - If I enthusiastically beg each of my ex-girlfriends to put me over their knee and spank me for as long as they want then you will unwrap me and, with my arms bound behind my back, allow me to hump their legs. It will be up to them if i'm allowed to cum though! Tell me i'll be doing anything after 4 hours of tease and denial! Please can you say "Oh, I almost forgot", then explain how you've bought me a little cock cage and you will be locking me in it at the end of the day and giving the key to one of the girls. I have to chose one of my ex-girlfriends to own me for a week where I will service her in any way she wants. At the end of the week, she reveals if she has the key or not! If she does then she will unlock me so I can hump her legs, if she does not have the key I have to pick another of my ex-girlfriends to serve for a week. Tell me it can't be that bad as I seem to have developed a 'nice little erection' - "what a nice way to greet the girls as they arrive!" You laugh at me some more. Mockingly ask me if I want to go back over your lap for a final spanking - but just as that's about to happen we hear a knock at the door (or you hear a car pull up outside). Please give me a sexy smile - please say "looks like they are early" - please then come close to the camera and say "make sure you wag that little cock when they walk in; after all, you belong to them now"! - Then please open the door and say "Hi girls, come on in - someone's looking forward to seeing you"! Look back at the camera and laugh at me End of clip