Custom: Here is the gist: You are seated (dressed much as you are in the video mentioned above, wearing the same necklace or something similar. At your feet is a mesmerized slave breathing slowly and deeply, eyes closed, with your foot planted directly in his face. You start off by teasingly saying"Hi Matt" and then talk about how you've seen me lurking around lately and that you know that I'm just dying to get to know you better. You explain how the gentleman at your feet started out the same way, but that after a little while, he was hooked and could not resist booking a session to see you i...
Custom: Here is the gist: You are seated (dressed much as you are in the video mentioned above, wearing the same necklace or something similar. At your feet is a mesmerized slave breathing slowly and deeply, eyes closed, with your foot planted directly in his face. You start off by teasingly saying"Hi Matt" and then talk about how you've seen me lurking around lately and that you know that I'm just dying to get to know you better. You explain how the gentleman at your feet started out the same way, but that after a little while, he was hooked and could not resist booking a session to see you in person. You go on to say that, whether I realize it or not, the same thing is going to happen to me, and indeed it has already begun without me even realizing it. You then command your pet to begin kissing your feet as you have conditioned him to do. (I love your use of the word "docile" in the prior video, so it would be great if you could say it a few times). After a few minutes, you command your pet to stop and sit next to you on the couch.
With him on the couch, you command him to rest his head on your on your shoulder and stare at the necklace hanging in your cleavage. You continue telling me how good it would feel to be in his position, and that I am just dying to become like him--a trained puppy foot worshiper. As this is happening, you are gently running your fingers through his hair and massaging his scalp as in the Stepson video. After a minute or two, you tell him to sit back and rest.
You then direct your attention toward me and use your necklace to entrance me and complete my conditioning. You plant suggestions that I will watch your videos over and over, and that I will check your travel schedule religiously and schedule a live session with you just as soon as possible. I will become more and more obsessed with your feet, and dream of smelling them and kissing them, knowing that it will make me very docile and pliable. After counting me out of trance, you tell me that it is time to put your pets away for now. You command the man to sit on the floor, where you quickly tie him up. You then drag him away by the feet, saying how you are putting him away with the rest of your toys.