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LiB's first video with Erin and Mia. It also the first video that featured sock tickling and a female tickling another female. Another first, while most LiB girls liked to be tickled, Erin didn't. What's odd...she used to love getting her feet tickled!
Due to a recent breakup, 19 year old Erin has done nothing but mope and be depressed. Her friend Mia is tired of seeing her so sad, and decides to cheer her making her laugh! Mia tickles from Erin's cute striped socked feet to her upper body. The tries to get away. Because she is so ticklish Erin hates to be tickled...
LiB's first video with Erin and Mia. It also the first video that featured sock tickling and a female tickling another female. Another first, while most LiB girls liked to be tickled, Erin didn't. What's odd...she used to love getting her feet tickled!
Due to a recent breakup, 19 year old Erin has done nothing but mope and be depressed. Her friend Mia is tired of seeing her so sad, and decides to cheer her making her laugh! Mia tickles from Erin's cute striped socked feet to her upper body. The tries to get away. Because she is so ticklish Erin hates to be tickled...
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