The trivia shifts from science to history...Civil War history to be specific (since everyone in the room are southerners). Unfortunately, for Rabecca her southern heritage isn't as sharp as Jessica. So, Rabecca is cuffed into a hogtie position, and Jessica shows off her expert tickling scales by Rabecca on her upper body, legs, and vulnerable sexy feet. Rabecca turned out to be more ticklish than she realized. The two friends have a good time in this clip, and invite you to join them for a little Tickle Trivia!
The trivia shifts from science to history...Civil War history to be specific (since everyone in the room are southerners). Unfortunately, for Rabecca her southern heritage isn't as sharp as Jessica. So, Rabecca is cuffed into a hogtie position, and Jessica shows off her expert tickling scales by Rabecca on her upper body, legs, and vulnerable sexy feet. Rabecca turned out to be more ticklish than she realized. The two friends have a good time in this clip, and invite you to join them for a little Tickle Trivia!