Lift and Carry Imposed Kissing with Layla Moore and Maria Jade
My Rating:
Category: Lift & Carry
Runtime: 12 minutes
Date Added: 5/5/2018


Everyone loves a ice strong woman, but Maria is just not convinced that dating Layla is really what she wants... Unfortunately for her, Layla does NOT like being told no, and tries to show her exactly how strong and irresistible she really is!! So, she does what any amazon would do, and picks a stunned Maria up off the ground, high into the air. The powerful amazon lifts her with ease and holds her far from the ground, leaving her legs danging! Layla hopes that maybe this might work, but it just makes Maria even more weary of Layla now.. And that just makes Layla MAD! So, she starts telling...

Lift and Carry Imposed Kissing with Layla Moore and Maria Jade

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