The vile and evil Raven, played by Alora Jaymes strayed across the path of the ultimate crime fighter herself, Bat Woman. Known for her ability to bring to justice those thought untouchable, Bat Woman, played by the bombshell Kendra James, had been tracking a series of art thefts. Bat Woman arrived right before Raven and decided to wait. Raven walked in and was surprised to see Bat Woman herself standing there. The two exchanged pleasantries and then Bat Woman sprang into action! In the ensuing drama that played out, the action went back and forth. But slowly Raven's sheer power took over and ...
The vile and evil Raven, played by Alora Jaymes strayed across the path of the ultimate crime fighter herself, Bat Woman. Known for her ability to bring to justice those thought untouchable, Bat Woman, played by the bombshell Kendra James, had been tracking a series of art thefts. Bat Woman arrived right before Raven and decided to wait. Raven walked in and was surprised to see Bat Woman herself standing there. The two exchanged pleasantries and then Bat Woman sprang into action! In the ensuing drama that played out, the action went back and forth. But slowly Raven's sheer power took over and ...