Starring Hollis Ireland as Blue Jay & Kendra James as Red Dawn Young Blue Jay worked frantically and got herself free. She knew she had fouled up badly. Her own ego had driven her to go and try to do what the veteran hero's of the League had told her not to do. She went and tried to capture Red Dawn. Americana, Dominator, even Slip Stream among others had warned Blue Jay to stay away from the evil villain. Red Dawn was simply too strong for almost everyone. But poor Blue Jay, while big hearted, she lacked the experience and skill to battle Red Dawn. Now she was in a world of pain. But she ...
Starring Hollis Ireland as Blue Jay & Kendra James as Red Dawn Young Blue Jay worked frantically and got herself free. She knew she had fouled up badly. Her own ego had driven her to go and try to do what the veteran hero's of the League had told her not to do. She went and tried to capture Red Dawn. Americana, Dominator, even Slip Stream among others had warned Blue Jay to stay away from the evil villain. Red Dawn was simply too strong for almost everyone. But poor Blue Jay, while big hearted, she lacked the experience and skill to battle Red Dawn. Now she was in a world of pain. But she was loose, if she could escape all would be okay. Blue Jay headed for the door, having not heard anything, the young heroine thought her luck was changing. Just as Blue Jay reached for the door it shot open. Her luck it seemed had not changed after all. Standing before her was Red Dawn herself. Using her hammer, Red Dawn shoved poor little Blue Jay hard back into the wall. The blow knocked the wind out of the little heroine. After telling Blue Jay she can appreciate her desire to get loose, it was not to be. Then after a stern warning about getting loose again, Red Dawn commenced to beat the snot out of poor Blue Jay. Blue Jay put up no real fight. After several hard and painful blows the young heroine dropped to the floor out like a light. Deciding Blue Jay looked uncomfortable, Red Dawn removed her boots and then for no particular reason beyond the simple fact that she could, she pulled down Blue Jay's top. Finally, Red Dawn hogtied little Blue Jay and ball gagged her. The little heroine came around to find herself once again in a bit of a pickle so to speak. Red Dawn told her to once again sit tight as she had after dinner plans for them both. Then laughing, the evil bitch left. Blue Jay again panicked, unsure of what that dinner thing meant but she was sure it was bad. Once again the frantic struggle to get free began.
Once again little Blue Jay proved adept at getting loose. Obviously Ultra Violet's classes on peril escapes had sunk in. Too bad not much else had apparently. Blue Jay was in a near state of panic. The door was locked plus she had no idea what horrors awaited her on the other side of the door. She could hear Red Dawn talking to someone in Russian. So that left Blue Jay with just the windows. The young heroine tried to get them open. But they wouldn't budge. She debated smashing them but was sure Red Dawn would hear. Blue Jay was working on a window and did not hear the door open. Her first inkling that she was busted came when Red Dawn jerked her back by the cape. Blue Jay was so intent upon getting the window open that she was completely surprised when suddenly she was jerked backwards by her cape. The poor little heroine never had a chance. Red Dawn laughed a she wrapped Blue Jays cape around the little heroines neck and began to pull slow. Blue jay struggled hard but as Red Dawn slowly tightened her grip, the loss of air was too much. Blue jay gently slipped into indisposed. Red Dawn let her drop to the floor. Once again, Red Dawn tied up and gagged her captive. A bit put off by her continued ability to get loose, Red Dawn tried to tie Blue Jay differently. This time she completely removed the young heroines costume hoping that would make her less likely to get free. Then as Blue Jay came around Red Dawn congratulated her on her attempts at escape and then very sternly promised that if Blue Jay did it again she would show her the true meaning of pain and suffering. Then she left. Blue Jay pondered the situation and again began to try and free herself.
Blue Jay had already taken three good beatings from Red Dawn. Why she was still alive was a mystery as she managed once again to get free from her bonds. Was Red dawn toying with her? It was hard to say but Blue Jay, wracked with pain knew she could not handle another beating. As she quickly surveyed the room she also saw no escape. So Blue Jay decided it was time to use her mind on this and looked around. After a brief examination of the room. Blue Jay decided on the tried and true plan: she would hide behind the curtain and hit Red dawn as hard as she could with her own hammer from behind! This could work if Blue Jay didn't hesitate she had to hit her hard and often until the powerful villain went down. So she hide behind the curtain. After awhile she heard Red Dawn enter. Blue Jay held her breath as she waited to see if it was her time to or if she was going to have a chance. Within seconds she knew her plan worked the arrogant villain was actually laughing and wondering aloud where Blue Jay was. So the little heroine thought it was time to show her! Blue Jay stepped out from behind the curtain. Reaching out she unhooked Red Dawn's utility belt and it dropped to the floor. As Red dawn bent over to pick it up Blue Jay knew she could win. Red Dawn was picking up her belt when Blue Jay landed the first blow to her back with her own hammer. The blow was so hard it knocked the wind right out of the surprised villain. Red Dawn dropped to the floor and Blue Jay did not hesitate. She landed several more blows to Red Dawn which finally rendered the mightiest super villain on the planet . Blue Jay forgot all her pain as she jumped around triumphantly. She had done the impossible in defeating Red Dawn. But she knew she had to hurry before Red Dawn woke up. Blue jay decided to return the favor so she stripped Red Dawn out of her costume and boots. The using some kind of bazaar looking bondage toy Red Dawn had she gagged and blind folded the super villain. Then she tied her up as tight as she could. Putting her in a position that would limit her ability to move. Then as the evil Red Dawn came around slowly, Blue Jay danced around stealing her costume and running out to call the police and everyone else she could think of! Red Dawn was enraged as she struggled to get loose. She could not have the Yankee police find her like this!