THis clip is from the Leagues achieves. This adventure took place way back in 2004. Tiedsvilles queen Liberty Belle, played by the super gorgeous Alexis Grace, had been sent out to capture a new unknown villain. The villain, known as Luminescent was new to Tiedsville. However, she was well known on the west coast and had fled to avoid the coming ass whipping she was about to get. But now she was Tiedsville problem. But the League of Amazing Women would prove to be the answer. So the beautiful powerhouse known as Liberty Belle was sent to deal with her. Luminescent, played by the sultry and sex...
THis clip is from the Leagues achieves. This adventure took place way back in 2004. Tiedsvilles queen Liberty Belle, played by the super gorgeous Alexis Grace, had been sent out to capture a new unknown villain. The villain, known as Luminescent was new to Tiedsville. However, she was well known on the west coast and had fled to avoid the coming ass whipping she was about to get. But now she was Tiedsville problem. But the League of Amazing Women would prove to be the answer. So the beautiful powerhouse known as Liberty Belle was sent to deal with her. Luminescent, played by the sultry and sexy Kendra James was not hard to find. The two titans confronted each other and the fight began. Early on it looked like Liberty would easily take out Luminescent but unbeknownst to anyone Luminescents power belt was the source of her strength. The way the belt worked is it allowed Luminescent to match the power of her opponent while the two had direct contact. So as the fight continued Luminescent got stronger matching Libertys power and strength. Wrapping her sexy legs around Liberty Belle she was able to remove the sexy heroines power belt and use it to take her out! Then she removed Libertys boots and tied and gagged her. Afterwards Luminescent left and Liberty Belle struggled to get herself free before this new villain returns.As Liberty Belle is getting herself situated after getting loose, she fails to notice the evil minx Luminescent had slip in unnoticed behind her. Luminescent reached up and undid Libertys top! With her breasts exposed, Liberty was more concerned with covering herself then maybe she should have been. After blasting the young heroines head into the wall several times and some other powerful blows the mighty superheroine did not look so mighty collapsed at Luminescents feet. Once more, the boots were removed and again Liberty Belle was bound and gagged. Once more Luminescent left her promising to return and finish her off once and for all. Liberty Belle got dressed and had decided she was no longer letting Luminescent get the better of her. So this time, when Luminescent returned she was immediately attacked by Liberty. Among the first blows thrown by Liberty she hit Luminescents power belt. The blow damaged the belt just enough to keep the villain from gaining anymore power. So now it was Luminescents to get pummeled and Liberty did not let her down. Luminescent was left in her own heap. This time it was her boots that were removed and she was bound and gagged with cuffs! Now she was ready for the police. Liberty Belle made the call and left the powerless villain for the police to pick up.