Princess Nova, played by newcomer Hellion and Scarlet Destroyer, played by Azera Dehalia meet and have a nice back and forth battle. (This clip was originally shot as a test to see if the girls enjoyed trying to be sexy super heroines). The two battle it out with each defeating and then tying up the other! However, as these things go so often each managed to get loose. In the end it was the evil Scarlett Destroyer who goes to jail after her final defeat.
Princess Nova, played by newcomer Hellion and Scarlet Destroyer, played by Azera Dehalia meet and have a nice back and forth battle. (This clip was originally shot as a test to see if the girls enjoyed trying to be sexy super heroines). The two battle it out with each defeating and then tying up the other! However, as these things go so often each managed to get loose. In the end it was the evil Scarlett Destroyer who goes to jail after her final defeat.