The super sexy Vicky Vixxx plays the evil newcomer to Tiedsville known as Fury has been stealing art all over the Some of Tiedsvilles finest citizens have been her victims and they are demanding action. So the Mayor came to the League and asked, no demanded the super heroines do something about Fury. So the League sent out one of its power hitters, the mighty American Avenger, played by sexy newcomer Gemma Nicole. Fury made finding her easy. Seems she set off a silent alarm at a prominent citizens apartment. So Avenger arrived and found Fury still in the act. American Avenger was just abou...
The super sexy Vicky Vixxx plays the evil newcomer to Tiedsville known as Fury has been stealing art all over the Some of Tiedsvilles finest citizens have been her victims and they are demanding action. So the Mayor came to the League and asked, no demanded the super heroines do something about Fury. So the League sent out one of its power hitters, the mighty American Avenger, played by sexy newcomer Gemma Nicole. Fury made finding her easy. Seems she set off a silent alarm at a prominent citizens apartment. So Avenger arrived and found Fury still in the act. American Avenger was just about to say something witty when Fury suddenly whirled around and grasped her around the neck. American Avenger was surprised and stunned. Furys strength was incredible, maybe even equal to Avengers. The young heroine tried to break her grip but it was no use. As she got weaker from lack of air she was pushed back to a couch and dropped unceremoniously onto the couch. Fury stripped off Avengers boots and tied her up. She then gagged the mighty heroine. As American Avenger came around, Fury gave her some trouble and then left her alone on the couch as she continued to steal the art work. Avenger had no trouble getting herself loose. She almost made it but suddenly Fury pounced on her again and this time injected some into her that sent her back to rest.Once again Fury bound and gagged American Avenger. This time however, as an act of humiliation maybe, Fury exposed Avengers breast! Again after some more both verbal and physical, Fury went back to stealing the art. But once again American Avenger worked quickly. She was once again almost loose when from behind, Fury attacked. Again after a brief encounter with a rag Avenger was off in dream land. Fury had decided she would fix Avengers little red wagon once and for all!
As a prisoner she was in no shape to defend herself. So when Fury returned she knew she was in for a long afternoon. Fury, pulled and dragged the semi nude Avenger into a room and tossed her roughly on the couch. After some back and forth banter, Fury removes the poor American Avengers mask! The young heroine is stunned by this incredulous act. It gets worse for sure. Fury pulls out her Iphone and starts taking pictures of the mask less American Avenger. Then Fury posts the pictures on her social medias and the young heroine is ruined. But as if its not enough already, Fury gags her victim and then grabs the hitachi. Avenger to stand up, Fury rips open her pantyhose exposing Avengers hot little pussy. Next our poor little superheroine has the hitachi used on her! After several orgasms, Fury seemingly has had enough. She leaves the young American Avenger sobbing in the fetal position as she goes to finish stealing the art that got all this started. Is the young heroine finished or will Fury feel her wrath?
American Avenger, was not doing well at all. What had started as a simple art heist had resulted in Avenger being stripped, tied up, gagged and to cum! On top of everything else she was getting beaten up by a new villain no one had ever heard of. The villain, going by the name Fury was proving to be very difficult to deal with. Fury, was feeling very good about the situation. She left the little heroine bound and gagged as she continued to clean out the art.
Fury finishes loading all the art she is stealing. She decided to pay her sexy captive one more visit. However, American Avenger was down but by no means out. She had gotten loose and set her trap for Fury. The arrogant criminal walked in and saw Avenger had escaped. But before she could do anything, American Avenger attacked! This time Fury was unable to turn the tables as she went down rather anti- climatically all things considered. After removing Fury’s boots, American Avenger hogtied the wily villain. Then gagging her with a nice blue ball gag, Avenger left Fury for the authorities to take away!