Continuing from our previous story, SILENTLY STALKS...THE KUCHEETAH, Diana has resumed her civilian life after managing to escape from her bondage at the hands of the KuCheetah in the previous episode. Diana resumes her life of government work for the I.A.D.C. and waits for an opportunity to get a rematch against her feline opponent. Yet, something about herself feels wrong. Diana's wounds she sustained against the KuCheetah have failed to heal properly... until the first night of the full moon that is, when they healed up almost overnight. Now she feels...different. Meaner, stronger, more sav...
Continuing from our previous story, SILENTLY STALKS...THE KUCHEETAH, Diana has resumed her civilian life after managing to escape from her bondage at the hands of the KuCheetah in the previous episode. Diana resumes her life of government work for the I.A.D.C. and waits for an opportunity to get a rematch against her feline opponent. Yet, something about herself feels wrong. Diana's wounds she sustained against the KuCheetah have failed to heal properly... until the first night of the full moon that is, when they healed up almost overnight. Now she feels...different. Meaner, stronger, more sav...