Ultra Woman, played by Amo Morbia has been running amok for a long time. Her power was simply too much for the super heroines of the League of Amazing Women. Time and time again they have fought Ultra Woman. Mostly losing but having some success but never really able to outright defeat Ultra. But, several of the Leagues younger heroines got together and invented a that they think could strip Ultra of her powers; possibly forever! So Magma, played by Monica Jade, FemmBat, played by Amanda Bryant and Emerald Avenger, played by Raquel Roper decided to try it out. They knew singularly they had ...
Ultra Woman, played by Amo Morbia has been running amok for a long time. Her power was simply too much for the super heroines of the League of Amazing Women. Time and time again they have fought Ultra Woman. Mostly losing but having some success but never really able to outright defeat Ultra. But, several of the Leagues younger heroines got together and invented a that they think could strip Ultra of her powers; possibly forever! So Magma, played by Monica Jade, FemmBat, played by Amanda Bryant and Emerald Avenger, played by Raquel Roper decided to try it out. They knew singularly they had no chance but together they trio thought they could at least hold Ultra down and inject her. Barging into Ultras hide out was easy really. Ultra Woman was so arrogant she never feared the heroines finding her. So the three young heroines confronted her. Everything was in order but one small item was missing. The three never set an actual attack plan into motion. FemmBat and Magma grabbed Ultras arms but before Emerald Avenger could do anything Ultra easily slammed the two into her knocking all three to the floor in a pain wracked heap. Emerald Avenger crawled out first and Ultra grabbed her and choked her out, dropping ehr to the floor! Next Magma tried her luck, a powerhouse in her own right, Magma delivered a blow or two even managing to stagger Ultra. But she was no match and was quickly pounded into lala land by the mighty villain. Next was poor FemmBat, she had crawled under a table and was trying to radio for backup when Ultra jerked her out by the legs and finished her off. The three young heroines were now in a real pickle! Ultra Women stripped the three heroines of their boots and utility belts etc. Then she hogtied and gagged all three. When the three came around Ultra began to tease them a little. She explained that she was a civilized person whom was capable of compassion and mercy. She went on to explain that since the three had invaded her home for no reason she was going to let them decide their fate. They had to pick which one was going to get fucked! The three all shock their heads no adamantly. Ultra smiled and told the three they needed some more time to ponder the issue. She let them know that unless they picked one she would take all three. Then once again all three went to rest... Ultra stripped Magma and Femmbat and tied and gagged them again. She was just about to start on Emerald Avenger when they all came around. Smiling she asked if a decision had been made. Magma and Femmbat looked at each other and both told Ultra Emerald Avenger was it. This surprised and both horrified and angered Emerald Avenger. Now Ultra smiled and using her strap on and other toys she fucked the poor little super heroine. This went on until the little heroine had several orgasms. Then satisfied for the moment, Ultra got up and left the poor girl in a heap on the floor in orgasmic bliss. Then she walked out of the room. The others wondered what was coming next!
After the way Ultra Woman had treated Emerald Avenger, Magma and FemmBat knew the were next if they did not figure something out. So after managing to get loose, Femmbat retrieved two syringes that contained a that would turn off Ultra's super powers so to speak. But they had to inject her and that always proved to be harder then it seemed. Emerald Avenger squirmed around on the floor as Ultra Woman walked back in. Ultra had decided she wanted to fuck Emerald Avenger some more so she got back down ignoring the other two. As Ultra started to play with Avenger, the other two saw there chance and took it! They both plunged their syringes into Ultra and injected her. Ultra dropped like a rock and the others got loose. Emerald Avenger wanted some payback and the others agreed so they stripped Ultra and took the hitachi's to her! Ultra screamed through her gagged mouth as she had several orgasms. After awhile the three heroines led Ultra Woman off to what should be a very long vacation compliments of the state.