In this 4th installment of Vril the Awakening, the evil Amazon Vril, played by Saharra Huxly has taken on a slave, played by Pixie Von Bat. (Her story is coming soon.) Vrils power comes from orgasms the more the better. The best power comes from the strongest. So people with powers are her target and its slave Pixies job to bring them in. Pixie had successfully set up a series of underground hideouts for Vril to use for hunting. This allowed Vril to move about undetected. Until she had all her power Vril did not want to risk a confrontation with some of the more powerful heroines.Pixie lures i...
In this 4th installment of Vril the Awakening, the evil Amazon Vril, played by Saharra Huxly has taken on a slave, played by Pixie Von Bat. (Her story is coming soon.) Vrils power comes from orgasms the more the better. The best power comes from the strongest. So people with powers are her target and its slave Pixies job to bring them in. Pixie had successfully set up a series of underground hideouts for Vril to use for hunting. This allowed Vril to move about undetected. Until she had all her power Vril did not want to risk a confrontation with some of the more powerful heroines.Pixie lures i...