Grimm Mandy, played by Michelle Peters has managed to capture and control the powerful English heroine Britannia, played by British Fetish model Danielle. What makes this victory for the villains so bad is not that Grimm Mandy defeated Britannia but it was how. Grimm Mandy manages to hold something over poor Britannia making the mighty heroine believe something would happen to her. What has Grimm Mandy done to Britannia? How did she do it? What will become of the mighty heroine from the United Kingdom? Watch this clip and all will be answered.
Grimm Mandy, played by Michelle Peters has managed to capture and control the powerful English heroine Britannia, played by British Fetish model Danielle. What makes this victory for the villains so bad is not that Grimm Mandy defeated Britannia but it was how. Grimm Mandy manages to hold something over poor Britannia making the mighty heroine believe something would happen to her. What has Grimm Mandy done to Britannia? How did she do it? What will become of the mighty heroine from the United Kingdom? Watch this clip and all will be answered.