I talk then put on a Always Maxi Night Pad sticking it directly to my skin, then I wear my big blue granny panties/period panties over the top and show my pad bulge from the front and the back before taking it off at the end. I then do the same with a Bodyform Super Maxi Pad and a Bodyform Super Normal Pad too. I'd already used the pads for videos without the panties, which is why you don't see me taking them out the packaging in this video!
I talk then put on a Always Maxi Night Pad sticking it directly to my skin, then I wear my big blue granny panties/period panties over the top and show my pad bulge from the front and the back before taking it off at the end. I then do the same with a Bodyform Super Maxi Pad and a Bodyform Super Normal Pad too. I'd already used the pads for videos without the panties, which is why you don't see me taking them out the packaging in this video!