Robin and Hollywood face off in a test of strength. Gripping each other's hands over head, the test of strength begins. This is a tough test....Hollywood has longer arms which are better for leverage. Robin has muscular shoulders which aid her. Little do most people know that Robin also has 2 metal plates and 6 screws in her left elbow and this is her weak spot! Both girls struggle hard to win. Robin is actually surprised at Hollywood's strength and Hollywood is surprised at Robin"s!!! A fun test of strength between two glamourous gals!
Robin and Hollywood face off in a test of strength. Gripping each other's hands over head, the test of strength begins. This is a tough test....Hollywood has longer arms which are better for leverage. Robin has muscular shoulders which aid her. Little do most people know that Robin also has 2 metal plates and 6 screws in her left elbow and this is her weak spot! Both girls struggle hard to win. Robin is actually surprised at Hollywood's strength and Hollywood is surprised at Robin"s!!! A fun test of strength between two glamourous gals!