Robin and Tina had quite a brutal match several months ago which resulted in an unresolved finish due to an accident which abruptly ended the fight. While Robin was visiting friends in England, Tina contacted her, once again challenging her to a match...With the help of some avid fans and friends, we flew Tina over from Amsterdam and on an extremely hot afternoon, Robin and Tina let loose on each other with 6 oz. gloves. Arms flying, sweat dripping, punches landing here, there and everywhere...This is a very intense fight which Robin and Tina really hurt each other in.
Robin and Tina had quite a brutal match several months ago which resulted in an unresolved finish due to an accident which abruptly ended the fight. While Robin was visiting friends in England, Tina contacted her, once again challenging her to a match...With the help of some avid fans and friends, we flew Tina over from Amsterdam and on an extremely hot afternoon, Robin and Tina let loose on each other with 6 oz. gloves. Arms flying, sweat dripping, punches landing here, there and everywhere...This is a very intense fight which Robin and Tina really hurt each other in.