I found a box with a padded top in the attic that fit perfectly under Ariels legs and put her beautiful bare feet in a very vulnerable position. I talk to her a lot in this one and the extra teasing always works on her mind. When she complained that my finger tickling was the worst, I tickled her with two scrub brushes and an electric toothbrush until she was crazy. then I had to finger tickle her again so she could be sure.
I found a box with a padded top in the attic that fit perfectly under Ariels legs and put her beautiful bare feet in a very vulnerable position. I talk to her a lot in this one and the extra teasing always works on her mind. When she complained that my finger tickling was the worst, I tickled her with two scrub brushes and an electric toothbrush until she was crazy. then I had to finger tickle her again so she could be sure.