ALSU, DORI and RACHEL - It seems like there's an uninvited guest at our party!
My Rating:
Category: Foot Gagging
Runtime: 20 minutes
Date Added: 9/15/2023


Today Alsu and Dori are throwing a party in honor of Rachel's arrival. The girls had been waiting for her to visit for a very long time and finally got it. They prepared well for her visit: they bought a cake with candles, prepared a gift that she would definitely like, and even found birthday caps. And finally Rachel came. “Blow out the candles and make a wish, friend, we are so glad to see you” Dori said. They can finally get the party started. But their holiday was interrupted by the nasty neighbor Regina. She didn't like that the girls laughed loudly and listened to music. “8:00pm, I wa...

ALSU, DORI and RACHEL - It seems like there's an uninvited guest at our party!

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