Clip language is German! How many blackmail clips have you bought so far ? Probably many! So how often have you really send the requested info ? Let me guess: Never! This is going to change now, once and for all. Don't be scared by the price of the clip. This price includes all four parts of this series as long as you follow through and send the requested data at the end of each clip. You can eather take part and send me the requested info or buy clip by clip like a chicken in my store. Sounds fair, right ? Real blackmail victims play for free. However, can you think of a better combination th...
Clip language is German! How many blackmail clips have you bought so far ? Probably many! So how often have you really send the requested info ? Let me guess: Never! This is going to change now, once and for all. Don't be scared by the price of the clip. This price includes all four parts of this series as long as you follow through and send the requested data at the end of each clip. You can eather take part and send me the requested info or buy clip by clip like a chicken in my store. Sounds fair, right ? Real blackmail victims play for free. However, can you think of a better combination th...