Zuzu Term SLWC Gimping to Lunch with a Cane and Bare Toed Without Polish
My Rating:
Runtime: 19 minutes
Date Added: 2/18/2020


Normally when Zuzu gimps out she polishes that nails on her one half naked foot perpetually sticking out of her cast. Because st and almost everyone walking by checks the cast and her one partially bare foot out. Sometimes however she is in a hurry and doesn't have time to do her pretty toes and leaves them unpolished. This is the case today as she gimps in public with the aid of a cane around the city streets, takes as shortcut that requires her to jump off the edge of a concrete wall and ends up at a restaurant -- where she can prop her foot up on a bench, rub her exposed unpolished toes ...

Zuzu Term SLWC Gimping to Lunch with a Cane and Bare Toed Without Polish

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