Zuzu Term SLWC Quick Nap and Pedicure Before Braving the Cold And Going Back to Work w/ Foot Play
My Rating:
Category: Toenail Polish
Runtime: 18 minutes
Date Added: 12/8/2017


Term casted Zuzu is and napping on the couch enjoying a quick nap back home pon her lunch break with her cute toes hanging out of her cast. When she gets up she's got an itch at the bottom of her casted foot she has to scratch. She looks outside and sees it's now gotten cold and rainy and decides she doesn't want to go back to work again with her exposed casted toes. So she gets undressed, but then realizes she has to make a buck. So she pedicures her five little piggies and blows them to dry them faster. then she looks outside once again, pus her single shoe on and makes ready to brave the...

Zuzu Term SLWC Quick Nap and Pedicure Before Braving the Cold And Going Back to Work w/ Foot Play

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