Strip Coin Toss with Bex (version A)
My Rating:
Category: Ass Humiliation
Runtime: 11 minutes
Date Added: 7/30/2014


Bex is back, and she wants to play a game of Strip Coin Toss for very high stakes indeed. Whenever she flips a head, you have to strip, but when she flips a tail, she has to strip. (She didn't actually have a coin, so she wrote “heads” and “tails” on the sides of an old DVD-R. Good to know those things are still good for something.)

And those high stakes? Well, Bex and you literally put your asses on the line, as the loser is to have a butt plug shoved up their hinder. Then, to add injury to injury, the winner gets to spank the loser's plugged ass.

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Strip Coin Toss with Bex (version A)

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