Strip Mogadishu with Brianna and Angel
My Rating:
Category: Glass Dildos
Runtime: 11 minutes
Date Added: 1/2/2012


Having a bun in the oven hasn't proved very lucky for 5-months pregnant Angel, who's now 0-for-2 against Brianna. Will the third time be a charm?

The two play Mogadishu, our rock-paper-scissors variant with five throws instead of three. The winner of each round gets to pick a piece of clothing and take it off the loser herself. The ultimate loser has to fuck herself with a glass dildo while we watch. The winner grabs a video camera for some nice intimate closeups.

So how did it turn out? Angel lost -- again -- but at least we get to see Brianna naked.

This is the ...

Strip Mogadishu with Brianna and Angel

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