Our story begins as our one and only Elan is transported back to Earth after being captured by Amazons! As she begins racking her brain for the most recent events, she discovers she was chosen as The One, the savior to bring the Earth down to its knees! Elan has been injected by the Amazonian goddesses with a serum to help her grow big enough to gain control of the world and claim it for the Sisterhood -- though Elan has plans of her own! She has swiped some extra doses for herself and intends to amplify her size beyond that of planets! Are devastating Elan is so power hungry, what will come t...
Our story begins as our one and only Elan is transported back to Earth after being captured by Amazons! As she begins racking her brain for the most recent events, she discovers she was chosen as The One, the savior to bring the Earth down to its knees! Elan has been injected by the Amazonian goddesses with a serum to help her grow big enough to gain control of the world and claim it for the Sisterhood -- though Elan has plans of her own! She has swiped some extra doses for herself and intends to amplify her size beyond that of planets! Are devastating Elan is so power hungry, what will come t...