1369-Clash of the Low Rise Boys 2 - Mens Fantasy Pro Wrestling
My Rating:
Category: Gay Wrestling
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 3/2/2023


Dom Kubrick vs Chris Nasty ~ Dom, the local gym stud is in the ring doing what he does best, flexing his muscles, admiring and bragging about his muscular sinewy body. In walks Chris, a fellow pro wrestler who just can’t believe what he is hearing. The arrogance of this guy, and of course Chris calls him on his braggart ways. Dom is unaffected by this, having full confidence in everything he says about his sexy self! Chris has heard enough from the guy and decides its time to challenge Dom to a match, right here, right now so he can beat down a bit of Dom's self imposed vanity. Dom, knowing...

1369-Clash of the Low Rise Boys 2 - Mens Fantasy Pro Wrestling

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