Custom idea: you applied for a contest organized by a magazine called "Chubby-magazine" to choose the most beautiful navel of the summer with the gift of a photo on the cover of the magazine and a nice sum of money. You are seated in front of the jury who explains to you that you will have to pass a series of tests to see if you have the most beautiful navel.
To start you have to lift your top and show your belly, then you have to stand up for a few seconds in order to see the shape of your navel when you are sitting and standing.
The first step is validated!
Custom idea: you applied for a contest organized by a magazine called "Chubby-magazine" to choose the most beautiful navel of the summer with the gift of a photo on the cover of the magazine and a nice sum of money. You are seated in front of the jury who explains to you that you will have to pass a series of tests to see if you have the most beautiful navel.
To start you have to lift your top and show your belly, then you have to stand up for a few seconds in order to see the shape of your navel when you are sitting and standing.
The first step is validated!
Second step: y ou have to stand and press your stomach left and right to change the shape of your navel, you have to press a few seconds on each side, then you have to do the same thing sitting down.
Second step validated!
Third step: you are still seated and you have to pull your belly up with your hand above your belly button and let it fall three times, and do the same thing standing up, then you have to do small jumps for a few seconds to see how your belly button bounce with your belly.
Third step validated! The jury even congratulates you on your performance! data-cke-eol="1" /> Fourth step: you sit down and you have to sink a pen in your belly button and show the jury that it can hold in your belly button on its own for a few seconds, then without removing the pen you have to stand up and inflate your belly until the pen drops, the longer the pen stays, the more points you will score.
Fourth step validated!
Fifth step: you have to put yourself in the doggy position and put the camera under your belly so that the jury can see the shape of your navel as if it were below you, then you have to bounce back and forth to get your navel to move for a few seconds.
Fifth stage validated!
Step Six: you have to lie on your side and inflate and deflate your belly several times and then with a finger you have to press next to your navel to try to open it to the maximum and do it several times .
Step validated!
Last step: you have to put your belly on a table with a close camera angle and make movements from right to left and from left to right with your body to try to make your belly bounce to the sides and change the shape of your navel, you have to do it for one minute in order to have more chance to make perfect movements.
After a minute the jury applauded, no need to continue the competition, you are the big winner by far! This summer it's your navel that we'll see in "Chubby-magazine" and with the money you won it will be with a nice bikini and big sunglasses.