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Orgasmic Explosion
My Rating:
Runtime: 6 minutes
Category: Bloated Belly
Date Added: 06/09/20, 09:20 PM


My original intention was to create a SFW body inflation clip. While wearing this delightful shirt with snap buttons, I wanted to feel the effect of getting them off just because of my swollen belly. That's all.
But.. then I saw myself in the screen of my camera and well, I couldn't stop. I love watching me during body inflation videos. The shape my body takes turns me on like crazy, so I started masturbating while I still had the pump stuck up into my ass, continuing to inflate my belly, until a very strong, intense and long orgasm exploded.. literally!

Orgasmic Explosion

Formats Available

1080p - wmv 356MB
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1080p - mp4 363MB
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