I should weigh myself but I am a little bit worried: my digital scale is not very accurate, lately. I take a deep breath and then step on the scale ( you as POV )... the first result left me completely shocked! So I start to take off my clothes: I start from my cardigan, my high socks, my tshirt and then my shorts. Nothing change from the damned display. I walk off very upset! Please note: the entire clip is in POV mode.
I should weigh myself but I am a little bit worried: my digital scale is not very accurate, lately. I take a deep breath and then step on the scale ( you as POV )... the first result left me completely shocked! So I start to take off my clothes: I start from my cardigan, my high socks, my tshirt and then my shorts. Nothing change from the damned display. I walk off very upset! Please note: the entire clip is in POV mode.